Hawaii State Council of ENA

Aloha and Welcome

Posted over 2 years ago by Steven Hobbs

Well, I have two more days as the President of the Hawai’i State Council of the ENA. Little did I know when you all elected me to this position two years ago how much Emergency Nursing was going to be challenged and change in relation to the Covid Epidemic. We have met and continue to meet that challenge and to adapt as best we and healthcare can.
The past two years have been some of the my most rewarding in relation to ENA in my career. Membership has held its own, actively engaged in support of continuing education to nurses throughout the state. Financially, the organization has never been stronger. We have represented Hawaii’s Emergency Nurses interests in the local, state, and national arenas. The patient care we deliver has never been of higher quality despite the challenging environment we now deliver it in. 
On January 1st, we have a new President, “TJ” Donayri, who will lead an impressive team for the state organization over the next two years. If you have not been actively involved in ENA up to now, please consider doing so and contact her at Queen’s Punchbowl and offer your service and support. Emergency care in Hawai’i will all be better for it if you do. 

I’ll still be kicking around, teaching at UH and pretending that I am not really retired. Mahalo for allowing me to have been of service to you for these past two years as your State Council President. Stay safe and be proud to say “I Am an Emergency Nurse.”