Hawaii State Council of ENA

No December Hawai’i ENA State Council meeting

Posted over 2 years ago by Steven Hobbs

Happy holidays to you all.  Spend some quality time with your friends and families. While we may have a it of a respite in our Covid crisis at the moment, Covid has shown a remarkable tenacity and an ability to flair again with a vengeance. I continue to represent Emergency Nursing on the Governor’s Covid Medical Advisory Board, the schools are doing their best to pump out new grads to help you all to fight the fire. It has been a tough two years, but it will get better. 

This would be the week of the State Council meeting as the norm under my tenure as your President. But, to be honest, I am hard pressed for any “important” agenda items; at least in this my final month as a “lame duck” President. So, after polling the Board I am cancelling the December State Council meeting. I will be meeting with TJ and Ruthie on transitioning to the new leadership and TJ will be setting up the next meeting in 2022. 

So, spend your Thursday evening with friends and family. Stay safe out there and see you in January. 

Steve Hobbs 2020-21 President HSC-ENA